Friday 4 March 2016

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

The Lightning Thief
By Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson isn’t your typical 12-year-old; he has dyslexia which makes it a challenge for him to read. He lives with his mom and her annoying boyfriend in New York City. At the end of summer, he drove up to his cabin with his mother. There was a storm going on and they were inside drinking hot cocoa and his mother was talking about how she met his father. Growing up Percy didn’t get to know his father. 

A couple minutes later someone comes banging on the door and his mother tells him not to open it but, he opens it anyway. 

Who is it? 

Read the book to find out what happens and I can guarantee reading it will answer any questions you have about the book.

This book is probably my favourite book because I’ve read it many times and it still is always so interesting. In case you were wondering there is an entire series of books, a couple movies and graphic novels. My opinion on the book is that it’s very descriptive and really gives you a good glimpse of what type of person Percy is and how he doesn’t think of himself but of his friends and family.

If I were to rate this book on a scale of 1-10 I would rate it a 9 just because its suitable for any audience, it is adventurous and includes a little humor he and there. 

I recommend this book to anyone who is having trouble looking for a good book that’s interesting because there are many things that anybody can connect to. 

The author is very good at letting the readers know about all the little details about the characters and I think that’s a very god way to attract readers.

By: Lado L


  1. good information at the end.
    well written.
    by:Hailey 8C

  2. Star: I thought you gave very good information on the book
    Star: I like how he left a glyph hanger
    Wish: I wish that I got to have more information to read
    By Ian 8B

    1. Thanks Ian ill try on my next review to give a little moer information.
      -Lado L.

  3. star: I like how you described the characters.
    star: I also like how you gave your opinion.
    Wish: I wish you would've used more words to pull me in. By: Emily 8B

    1. I was trying somewhat to establish a hook but, it just wasn't coming to me i'll try harder on the next review I do to get a better hook.-Lado L.

  4. I liked the cliff hanger. It's nice how you explained the characters.
    I wish you wrote more because I liked this one.

  5. I liked how you introduced the characters and I liked your cliff hanger, I wish that you made it a little bit more interesting but good job.

  6. I really liked your cliff hanger it made he book more interesting and l liked how you introduced you main characters. I wish you put a hook. By Jayden

  7. I like that when you said something you explained why and what it does.
    I like how much of your own input you put in your review.
    I wish that you wrote a little more about the book.
    I rate your review a 10 out of 10
    By Dawson

  8. Great Cliff hanger, after saying : Who is it? It makes you want to know who is it. It could be anyone!

    Great detail of the setting, it makes it easy to imagine what the setting is like

    Wish : I wish you could've been a bit more informative about the book like what REALLY is the main problem. I haven't read it but I don't think dyslexia was his main problem

    Juan :L
